about me
March 25, 2024

How I decided Energy Work Was my Path

Life takes so many turns and twists. I never in a million years would have thought I would be widow before I turned 40 years old.  I wanted to be a...

How I decided Energy Work Was my Path

Life takes so many turns and twists. I never in a million years would have thought I would be widow before I turned 40 years old.  I wanted to be able to share a little about me through a video.

I have a beautiful son and a full life ahead of me. I knew that I needed to find a way for us to both thrive.  

Check out the video below on how I decided energy work was for me... 

 Energy Healing Work has been a saving grace for me. I love every aspect and it has been healing me daily as I move into a more thriving life.  

If you want to work with me please click the link below and let's set up a discovery call! 


about me
Updated: March 26, 2024

FREE Discovery Call

Let's work together! Let me help you thrive!
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